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Picture of 3 men on stage in dinner jackets and bow ties, with Jean-Michel Sintome, Operations Director from Mercian Labels, receiving the UK Packaging Awards 2023 trophy from Ortis Deley

UK Packaging Awards Winners 2023

12th October 2023 Mark Prior 0 Comments

Mercian Labels are delighted to have been recognised as winners of the Investment Project of the Year category at this year’s UK Packaging Awards which represent the very pinnacle of industry excellence.

Our 6 year ‘lights out’ automation project, has revolutionised our production capabilities, saving time and minimising our environmental impact, whilst ensuring 100% accuracy and 100% fulfilment.

Thanks to the Packaging News team for a fantastic event showcasing the very best in the packaging industry, with the awards presented by the brilliant Ortis Deley.

Congratulations to all of the finalists and winners in every category.

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