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An image of a room full of people seated around round tables in smart business attire or evening dresses with predominantly purple lighting, waiting for the awards presentations to start – overlaid with the Mercian Labels logo and the words ‘Investment Award Winners at the West Midlands Business of the Year Awards 2024’ in Gold text and a Winner’s logo to the right hand side.

West Midlands Business of the Year 2024 Award Winners

27th February 2024 Mark Prior 0 Comments

Mercian Labels were honoured and delighted to be announced as Winners of the Investment category at The Business Desk West Midlands Business of the Year Awards 2024 at the end of last week..


Up against strong competition from across the West Midlands region, this award recognises our commitment to investment in the concept, development and implementation of a world first in automated label manufacturing and finishing technology, which is now driving change across the World. The process and ingenuity for which is driven by the continual investment in our people and facilities as part of our mission to be a World Class manufacturer of self-adhesive labels.


Beyond the benefits to our day-to-day operations, such awards are also a fantastic opportunity to meet, network and learn from so many other great businesses across the region, as was the case once again on Thursday evening. A fantastic occasion for everyone who attended and our congratulations again to all the other finalists and winners on the night.