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  • Mercian Zero – Commitment to Sustainability
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Mercian Zero is our commitment as a business to focus on our environmental impact and Corporate Social Responsibility. But, our commitment goes beyond that, Mercian Labels are committed to doing everything we can to help you contribute to a circular economy and make a real difference to the future of our planet too.

The concept of sustainability is of growing importance to consumers, and there is a pressing need to create environmentally friendly products.

How is Mercian Zero different and able to adopt a sustainable approach, that positively impacts on the environment?

Mercian Labels Community Woodland

IMG 9262 scaledSocial responsibility, engaging with the local community and sustainability are becoming increasingly important in the world of business these days, and we are already working with customers who are looking for more sustainable products, whether it be the materials used to make them, or where they are sourced.

The team here at Mercian Labels have shown incredible passion for this project, of which we are very proud, supporting our commitment to our goals and values, as well as the wider community.

A great example of this passion and commitment is the creation of the ‘Mercian Woodland’, where we funded and planted over 400 trees with the help of children from our local primary school, as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy Scheme. A project which will offset more than 4,000Kgs of CO2 each year.

Councillor Susan Woodward, leader of Burntwood Town Council said:

“We have been more than happy to make the links between the various partners and facilitate this exciting project which will enhance the local environment for many years to come and help address climate change issues in our town".

Zero to Landfill

We take our Corporate Social Responsibility very seriously…


This is why, since July 2018, we have committed to redirecting all of our waste away from Landfill sites and instead, sending it to be incinerated to generate new energy.

ISO 14001:2015

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We’ve been awarded the internationally recognised ISO 14001:2015 certification for our Environmental Management System.

Gaining ISO 14001 is a significant achievement and it reinforces our commitment to being a sustainable and environmentally conscious manufacturing business.

By identifying our environmental impact, we have been able to develop actions and procedures aimed at improving our performance to create a more efficient business, with less waste and a sustainably responsible supply chain. This gives our customers peace of mind that we go above and beyond when it comes to sourcing and supplying responsibly

Sustainable Wood Film

Why Wood Film Labels?


‘Wood Film’ has been developed in conjunction with the large papermills of Scandanavia…

Wood chips are ground into a pulp as part of the paper making process. The oils are then extracted and converted into a chemical structure which forms the basis of a white and clear Polyolefin Wood Film self-adhesive material.

The label material performs the same as a standard PP self-adhesive material, is highly durable and can be supplied in clear or white faced material. Wood Film can be printed on – like any other PP substrate with digital, flexo, screen or foil and is suitable for machine application.

Mercian ‘Wood Film’ materials have the added benefit of being ISCC certified (International Sustainable Carbon Certification) making it a sustainable safe solution to meet global consumer demand.

To find out how you can adopt a sustainable approach, that positively impacts the environment…

Call us on 01543 431070

Sustainable Packaging

Home Pouches

We are passionate about providing the best possible sustainable solutions that meet your packaging needs. Our flexible packaging products provide an alternative solution to the more traditional packaging methods. 

By design, flexible packaging pouches have a significantly reduced impact on the environment compared to rigid packaging. The planet’s resources are our future and need to be protected.

Sustainable Labels

New MZ Post and Esig May 21 2From plant-based materials, solvent-free adhesives and certified papers, to compostable and wash-off label materials.

For tailored advice on the best sustainable material options for your brand or business


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