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An image with the Mercian Labels logo at the top left and the Mercian Zero logo at the top right, with the words ‘It’s free to join our Label Liner Recycling Programme’ in white text on a mid green background across the width towards the top of the image. Below that in black text on a white background are the words ‘Recycling 1kg of label liner waste prevents the emission of 2.28kgs of Carbon Dioxide’ to the left hand side, with an image of trees in a forest to the right hand side overlaid with decreasing sized green circles with CO2 in white and a white downward pointing arrow in each circle.

Label Liner Recycling Scheme CO2 Savings

As the planet continues its seemingly incessant rise in global temperatures, consumers are increasingly wanting companies to do more to minimise the environmental impact of the products they buy and use.


To minimise our own operational impact and in turn that of our customers, we have introduced a number of initiatives based around the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, and one that more of our customers are really getting interested in is our Label Liner Recycling Scheme.


Launched in 2021 our scheme has already sent 57 pallets containing over 20 tonnes of uncontaminated label liner waste for recycling, with another 10 tonnes waiting to go, and whilst most people will be aware that recycling their label liner waste reduces the amount that is sent to either landfill or incineration, the majority do not know that for every 1kg of label liner waste that is recycled, it also prevents the emission of 2.28kgs of Carbon Dioxide.


This process also creates a truly circular product as the paper label liner collected through our scheme is fully recycled in a pulping plant, before being used to create new release liner and paper, which can then be returned and recycled again.


If you are interested in finding out more visit: https://mercianlabels.com/liner-recycling-programme/ or contact our team on 01543 431070.


#Recycling #ReducingCO2Emissions #LabelLinerRecycling